The Cuyama Valley's beloved L88 airstrip is owned and maintained by Blue Sky Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to strengthen our Cuyama Valley communities by supporting entrepreneurs and building our creative and economic resources. As a community center with entrepreneurship at its core, we work diligently to create accessible and engaging facilities that house small business incubation, hospitality accommodations, and a resource development center. Learn more here.
Our airstrip serves as a portal for flying visitors to experience all the Cuyama Valley has to offer and is critical to emergency support for our communities. Explore a directory of things to do in Cuyama at Visit Cuyama's Directory.
L88 Needs Your Support:
• Private nonprofit-owned airports are unable to receive federal airport funds.
• Most private airports have significant sources of revenue: hangars, FBOs, leases, and fees. L88 currently lacks revenue-generating infrastructure and needs direct support from its users.
• Unlike airports which require landing fees to fund operations, L88 has never charged a GA landing fee.
• L88 is a vital link for the residents of Cuyama Valley. It is used for airlifts to hospitals and rapid-response services.
You can donate in the donation box attached to this sign or at the box inside the BSC Flagship building; or by going to our donation link below. Your donations are tax deductible!
Learn more about Blue Sky Center
powered by Ambient Weather
Weather Cameras for Cuyama Valley provided through ALERTCalifornia.
ALERTCalifornia’s high-definition cameras provides 24-hour monitoring with near-infrared night vision capabilities.Though the network was created for first responders with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), these two cameras can help pilots determine visibility and cloud heights in and around Cuyama Valley. Pilots, this network has cameras throughout California and can be useful for determining weather in more remote areas of the state.
L88 Historic Aircraft Display Days
Join us for L88 Historic Aircraft Display Days, an event starting on December 16th that recurs every third Saturday of the month from 10 am to 3 pm at Blue Sky Center. This event welcomes pilots with historical aircraft to showcase their planes for a minimum of 4 hours, providing the public with a unique opportunity to admire these amazing machines up close at the Cuyama Valley L88 airstrip.
Pilots intending to fly in and display their aircraft are required to sign in and out at the Buck Stop Coffee Shop by the Buckhorn team upon arrival and before departure to formally record their visit.
details & information
Owner / Manager
Blue Sky Center
1000 Perkins Road
P.O. Box 271
New Cuyama, CA 93254
Location ID
Google Maps
Latitude & Longitude
34 56' 32.4800"
119 41' 29.3300"
2204 feet
Traffic Pattern Altitude
3200 MSL
Runway Information
Dimensions: 3380’ X 60’
Airport Communications
CTAF: 122.9
ATIS: None
Traffic pattern: Right
Runway Lighting: No
Slope: 1.5% up
Traffic pattern: Left
Runway Lighting: No
Airport Services
Parking: Ramp and Tie-downs (overnight fee required, see Pilot’s Registry).
Fuel: None. Nearest fuel is at Taft Airport (L17).
Camping: Adjacent to parking, reservations required.
Lodging: See our Lodging page.
Airport Fees and Restrictions
Parking: Overnight Parking Fee Required. See Pilot’s Registry for info.
Commercial Ops: Fees required for all commercial operations, regardless of size. Contact Airport Manager.
Weight Restrictions: Aircraft >6,000 lbs gw require use authorization by Airport Manager.
No Night Ops: Night operations are strictly prohibited, except first responders.
There is no parallel taxiway or a turnout on the east end of runway. All aircraft must taxi on the runway for parking or takeoff. Observe Runway Hold Lines and communicate all intentions on the CTAF.
Runways slope up 1.5% to the east.
Caution for vehicles, pedestrians, and animals.
Additional Information:
Ultralights, gliders, RC models operate in the vicinity.
Noise Sensitive community north of the Field. Use south patterns. Overfly the town at or above 1500’ AGL.
No FBO. Blue Sky Center does permit pilots and passengers to use their restrooms, but be courteous and quiet as the building is our offices.
Endangered California Condor Sanctuaries west of L88. See VFR Sectional Chart for altitude restrictions.
New Cuyama Info: For map, information about accommodations, services, and businesses see Visit Cuyama.
Google Maps for New Cuyama L88 Airport